Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mercy Cares Boutique Grand Opening!

Hello Everyone!

I am so proud to announce the grand opening of our post-mastectomy boutique. It is the only one of its kind in this part of CT. I make that distinction with a mixture of joy and some sadness. The sadness that women have been so neglected in this beautiful area of our state, and joy at the fact that this will no longer be true!

It is my honor to serve so many of the strongest, wisest, and most beautiful women on the planet. I am starting this blog in the hopes that they will teach me what I can do to better serve them, and to have an arena to share their thoughts, hopes, fears, and dreams. I will share mine too.

Thanks for reading. To start, please share with me your best and worst fitting experiences and teach me teach me teach me!

I look forward to meeting you all.

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