Monday, May 12, 2008

Are you a LympheDIVA?

What is a LymphedIVA, you may ask? Well, according to their website :

"If you are a woman who is battling or has defeated the evil monster known as “breast cancer,” you may actually be a LympheDIVA! LympheDIVAs come in all shapes and sizes. They are beautiful, they are fashionable, and they are confident. You can’t blame them; they have more than enough to be proud of. LympheDIVAs are on the move, managing their lymphedema with comfort, style, and grace. They are concerned with their health, and they care for their bodies. If you have the attitude and consider yourself admired, glamorous, or distinguished, then consider yourself a LympheDIVA!
You may also become a LympheDIVA if you care for someone with lymphedema. LympheDIVOs (male) also exist. " Quoted directly from

My favorite part about this company is that they have taken the "yawn factor" out of a very important, medically necessary item to encourage women to take care of their bodies, all the while looking absolutely fabulous.
If all healthcare products were this cool, we'd happily comply with doctor's orders, wouldn't we? Now if only they'd do something about those hideous hospital gowns....hmmm. Tune in in a few days for my thoughts on THAT one.

1 comment:

Ariella Photography said...

This is so wonderful! My stepmother is just finishing her first (and hopefully) go round with chemo for breast she would love Mercy Cares Boutique if she lived near you! Keep up the beautiful work!