Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beautiful Beautiful!

The Scarf so nice they named it twice - introducing...The BeauBeau!

This lovely woman, Susan Beausang, designed these scarves after being disappointed with the choices available for women with medical hair loss. She was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis and happens to come from a family with three generations (THREE!) of breast cancer survivors. Is she not the best woman for the job?

These scarves are truly beautiful beautiful!! Not only are there
a gigantic range of colors (prints and solids), but they come in
4 different sizes. Sizes, you ask? How can scarves be "sized"? Well, my curious reader, these scarves are already pre-tied. Yes. So you don't have to take a course to learn scarf tying. Or happen to be a French woman. Rayon, jersey, spandex (for all of you movers and shakers) and silk. Whoa now - wait a minute. Silk and a sleek shiny head - not exactly an ideal combination. See, I know how smart you all are. But Ms. Beausang is smarter. Each of her scarves, no matter the material, are lined with the softest cotton. That, in combination with the aforementioned sizing, makes for a perfectly fitted and comfortable topper that ain't goin' nowhere. Ahhhh, thank goodness there are some other geniuses on the planet so we don't have to do it ALL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on all of the “beautiful” words expressed regarding the BeauBeau scarves! I could not have said it better myself! I may be slightly prejudiced as I am the owner of 4Women.com. Even after designing scarves for two years, I am overwhelmed with emotion when I receive testimonials from women after they receive their scarves. I would like to share this note from a returning customer: “Hi! I'm back! Your BeausBeaus were a life saver my first time through chemo. Thought I was done with the bald thing but my breast cancer is back and has metastized to my lungs and liver - not so good! The only reason I'm not crying hysterically is because of these beautiful BeauBeaus!! Seriously! I'm sure I'll be back for more! Thanks so so much!”

It amazes me that women who are dealing with serious medical situations will take the time to write to me about my scarves. My mission is to help other women deal with their hair loss in a dignified and stylish manner. I received this note from another woman: “While at the oncology office today the nurse took a pic of me because she said she absolutely loved how I looked in my Beau Beau. She informed my husband that he should never be upset with me buying more of them as I looked incredible. I loved it! In the 2 months of hair loss I've only worn my wig twice. I prefer the Beau Beaus. Thanks so much for your dedication to fashion and women's health.”
Boutique owners must recognize the importance of the appearance side of treatment. Recognizing a woman’s fear of hair loss and providing her with stylish options appears to be what Mercy Cares is all about. The name of the shop is so appropriate! MERCY Boutique really does CARE!

Susan Beausang, 4Women.com
The BeauBeau” “Beautiful Scarves for Beautiful Heads”